Our Process

At Pool Florida, we follow a simplified 10-step pool building process to ensure quality and efficiency for every pool that we build:


Before this step even takes place, we remove the necessary sod in the area of the pool site. Should irrigation be located within the poolsite area arrangements for re-routing will be necessary..

Wood forms are used to create an outline of the shape of your new pool.

Once the layout is complete and meets your approval, the excavation is scheduled.


The excavation and removal of dirt. If some or all of the excavation material is needed for building up around the pool it will be stockpiled and used later.


The placement of the steel cage and the bonding of that steel. Once this is completed, an inspection by the county or city will take place.


The placement of the concrete, applied using a method called “Gunniting” the concrete in place. This is when you truly begin to appreciate the shape of your pool.


We run all the plumbing to your pool, spa, and equipment location.

After the piping is run, we then pressurize the plumbing system and keep it under pressure until the equipment is set.

This ensures there will not be any unexpected plumbing leaks through the balance of the construction process.

Some jurisdictions require an open trench plumbing and light conduit inspection. Once the inspection has been performed, the plumbing trenches are then backfilled and compacted.


The tile and coping of your choice is installed. 

This is when you see the beauty of your pool start to take place.


The decking is placed around your pool. Prior to the placement of your decking, we perform a final grading of the pool site. Also, prior to the placement of the decking, an inspection is performed by your county or city.


Your pool equipment such as filter, pump, heater, controller, etc. are installed.

Once this is complete, the electrical hookup is performed. Some jurisdictions require an electrical inspection at this point.


Your interior finish is applied. Immediately upon completion of the interior finish, the filling of the pool begins.


We refer to this as “Pool School”. Once the pool has been filled with water. We startup the equipment, chemically treat the water, and school you on all the operation of the equipment.

The county or city is then called to perform a final inspection.